The Top 6 Personal Finance Blogs To Inspire You To Reach F.I.R.E.
Our journey to Financial Independence was fueled by inspirational stories that we read about on Personal Finance Blogs. We don’t know anyone personally who shares the same financial goals as us. So our mentors became those who have already succeeded and have reached FIRE.
In the beginning, the inspirational personal finance blogs that we read and podcasts that we listened to made us feel really excited about our future. They made us realize that we could have a whole different life. That there is more than one path that we can take.
After looking at our finances, setting goals, and continuously sticking to our plan, we have recognized that retiring early is an actual possibility.
We continue to read blogs and books, listen to podcasts, and watch YouTube videos to constantly work on improving ourselves. We want to absorb as much information as possible to find ways to get us to our goal of Financial Independence.
Over the past few years we have followed a number of Personal Finance Blogs to draw inspiration, increase our knowledge, and to be entertained. Each of these bloggers have different personalities but they all have that same drive that motivates you to want to do and be more.
Mr. Money Mustache
I don’t think you can have a proper list of the best FIRE influencers without MMM. Mr. Money Mustache, Pete Adeney, started his blog to help his fellow Mustachians re-think their spending habits. He targets consumerism as the main culprit to overspending and wasting money. By cutting his spending by 50-75% and investing money in the stock market and real estate he was able to retire at the age of 30.
Mr. Money Mustache wants you to think less about being cool and to focus more on how you can make your money go further. For example cutting your own hair (which Jason does….no pictures to follow) and biking instead of driving everywhere.
He encourages his readers to take initiative, stop superfluous spending, and to be more aware of how their actions affect the outcome of a situation.
Check out the Mr. Money Mustache blog and learn more about “Financial Freedom Through Badassity”
Bingeworthy: https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/
Financial Samurai
The Financial Samurai blog began in 2009 after the 2008 recession wiped out 35% of Sam Dogen’s net worth in 12 months. Despite this set back, he was able to retire and leave corporate america in 2012 at the age of 34.
This blog incorporates first hand experiences with strategies that you can use to achieve financial independence. It focuses on investing, real estate, and retirement planning.
- We recommend that you start here: https://www.financialsamurai.com/how-much-should-one-have-in-their-401k-at-different-ages/

Millennial Revolution
A couple from Toronto decided to go against the norm and invest their money instead of buying a house. This decision helped them to build a 7 figure portfolio and retire in their 30s. Millennial Revolution will inspire you to invest early and start to make your money work for you. They have an easy going writing style that makes you feel like they are just having a conversation with a friend.
If you are new to investing and need some guidance they also offer a FREE “Millennial Revolution Investment Workshop: A Step-By-Step Guide to Investing.”
Follow Millennial Revolution to learn how to Stop Working and Start Living.
- Inspirational Post: https://www.millennial-revolution.com/freedom/how-i-built-a-seven-figure-portfolio-and-retired-at-31/
Mad Fientist
Mad Fientist blogger and podcaster, Brandon Ganch, has developed spreadsheets and software tools for his audience to use on their journey to FI. He provides excellent tips and advice on tax avoidance, diversification, and portfolio tracking.
There are a few things on this blog that you should definitely check out. One is “The Guinea Pig Experiment.” In this experiment you get to see how someone goes from $0 to financial independence using two different scenarios. You should also spend some time in the FI Laboratory to utilize the FI tracker and FIRE calculators.
Follow Mad Fientist to learn more about the “Science of Financial Independence”
- We recommend that you start here: https://www.madfientist.com/ultimate-retirement-account/
Early Retirement Now
Karsten Jeske (aka Big ERN) started Early Retirement Now to document his family’s quest for FIRE. His blog focuses on asset allocation, real estate, taxes, and investing. ERN is a bit more technical and analytical than other FIRE blogs but it also gives very solid and clear cut information. In 2018, Karsten officially reached FIRE, at the age of 44, and left corporate America. His wife, a former RN, later joined him in retirement.
One thing that you should check out on Early Retirement Now is the “Safe Withdrawal Case Studies.” In these case studies Karsten gives you his perspective on the different financial situations that people are in. He gives his advice on where they are financially, what they can do to maximize their finances, and his general opinion on the given situation. It is pretty interesting to see where other people are in the journey to FI and to learn how to make improvements in order to reach your goal faster.
Learn why “You Can’t Afford Not To Retire Early” at Early Retirement Now.
- Very Informative: https://earlyretirementnow.com/2020/05/11/another-bull-market/
Go Curry Cracker
Jeremy and Winnie document how they were able to reach financial independence in their 30s. They officially retired in 2012 and began their journey traveling the world and living life to the fullest.
I love that Go Curry Cracker not only focuses on all of the financial aspects that are so important for FIRE but it also touches upon their lives. You get a feel for their expat life and traveling that they have done, as a family, in retirement. For a family like us, who have a goal of FIRE in order to be able to travel the world, this blog is very inspirational.
- We recommend that you start here: https://www.gocurrycracker.com/start-here/
Personal Finance Blog Conclusion
This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Personal Finance blogs. There are so many people out there who you can draw inspiration from. The important part is to find someone who you can learn from and who draws you in with their knowledge. The information that they give has to be something that resonates with you and motivates you.
To reach financial independence you need the right knowledge as well as the drive, or you will have a harder time obtaining your goal. The right blog has a way of sparking your interest and giving you the push that you need to make changes and improve yourself.

Looking for more inspiration and motivation to reach Financial Independence? Check out the 12 Best Financial Podcasts to Listen to in 2020.
What are some of your favorite Personal Finance blogs? Let us know in the comments below!